“Don't we see it in the sense of the everyday that permeates her work, quietly contradicting the allure of a more extreme reading? Carefully gritted roads. Neon lights of convenience. A bus stop; bins; signage.
Our fantasies of Scandi-noir bleakness demand satisfaction.”
“We Shall See — a photo zine by Aino Väänänen — is a restrained, disquieting response to the strange days of the pandemic. It creates an atmosphere — a mood, a sense of stasis in liminal spaces. There is a kind of beauty in the desolate images of northernmost, empty urban edges; an unwavering consideration, but little comfort. ”
21 x 29.7 cm
44 pages
100 copies
Printed on 200 gsm silk paper
Distributed worldwide
Jason Little
Mark Arrigo
Aino Väänänen
Nick Hagan
Max Wahlström
Mikko Väänänen